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Your Alternative to Going to Court!   


Dominik Musafia founded Seattle Divorce Options to help his clients tailor an approach to their unique circumstances, focused on an intent to avoid the courthouse.   As a former family law litigator, Dominik has seen the devastation that a litigated divorce can inflict on families; he founded Seattle Divorce Options to offer a better alternative.


Every situation is different for every client, and every client has unique needs: approaches are tailored to resolve each client’s specific situation.  Most approaches aim for interest-based solutions and long-term results.


COVID-19 has made court-based solutions even more complicated, and potentially more costly for the client. 


CONTACT me below to meet by Telephone or Zoom!



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Dominik was licensed to practice law in 2000.  Prior to founding Seattle Divorce Options in 2015 he was a partner/owner of Wechsler Becker, LLP, Seattle's pre-eminent family law firm (known for family law litigation).  His experiences at the courthouse honed his keen understanding of the results that litigants should expect when cases are decided by a judge, and inspired his desire for more creative and meaningful results for his clients and their objectives.  


Dominik is currently the Chair-Elect to King County Collaborative Law, the largest Collaborative Law organization in the state.  He is also immediate past Chair (two terms) of the King County Bar Association (Collaborative Law Section) and past chair of the King County Bar Association (Family Law Section).  

Dominik has enhanced his family law experience by advising and operating small businesses and working with real property (real estate) issues, both as an attorney and as a real estate managing broker. He is uniquely qualified to handle divorce matters involving complex issues of business and real property. He is also an avid boater and holds a 50-Ton Master's License (Deck Officer, US Merchant Marine).



  • University of California – Berkeley, B.A., History, 1990

  • Seattle University School of Law, Juris Doctor, 2000


Bar Admissions

  • Washington State Bar Association, 2000

  • U. S. District Court, Western District of Washington, 2001

Professional & Community Associations

  • Chair-Elect (Vice-Chair) King County Collaborative Law 2020-2021

  • Chair, King County Bar Assoc. Collaborative Law Section 2018, 2019, 2020

  • Chair, King County Bar Assoc. Family Law Section 2014-2015

  • Member, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, since 2010

  • Past Board Member, Seattle Opera

  • Past President, Italy America Chamber of Commerce Northwest

Speaking Engagements

  • Choice of Action in Family Law Family Law: “Dissolution A-Z.”  Conference Co-Chair

  • Service of Process in Family Law Family Law: “Dissolution A-Z.”

  • Guest Lecturer, Seattle Pacific University, School of Business and Economics



Not everyone wants (or can afford) to be represented by an attorney.  Sometimes the mere 'appearance' of an attorney can drive parties apart.  When we provide consultation services, we can advise our clients on court processes, draft and review documents, provide opinions on the fairness of offers and be ready to step in if needed since we know your case.  At the same time, the other party may never even know that you are getting legal advice.   



Consultation services can be very cost effective, especially in cases where clients have already determined how the case is likely going to be resolved, or in cases that are relatively straight-forward issues.  If a client thinks the case may be headed for court (and they don't want to represent themselves in the courtroom) the client may ask an attorney to enter an appearance at that time.



Seattle Divorce Options, PLLC

Arboretum Professional Center

2910 E. Madison Street

Seattle, Washington 98112

T: 206.860.2431


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